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OnePlus Nord Buds 3 Release Date, Price, Features (Wishlist)

If you’re looking for affordable yet feature-rich wireless earbuds, OnePlus’s Nord Buds series should be on your radar.

The recent release, Nord Buds 2, has been a fantastic addition to the budget-friendly audio market, offering great value.

However, there are a few features we find ourselves wishing for, features that could make the next iteration, the OnePlus Nord Buds 3, even more exceptional.

In this article, we’ll dive into what we can anticipate about the OnePlus Nord Buds 3 – discussing potential release dates, expected pricing, and some of the exciting features we hope to see.

OnePlus Nord Buds 3 Release Date

  • OnePlus Nord Buds: July 21st, 2020
  • OnePlus Nord Buds 2: April 11, 2023
  • OnePlus Nord Buds 3: 2024?

The OnePlus Nord Buds series has quickly become a go-to for quality, budget-friendly wireless earbuds. It all started with the original OnePlus Nord Buds, launched on July 21st, 2020, which marked OnePlus’s entry into the world of wireless earbuds.

Then came the OnePlus Nord Buds 2 on April 11, 2023, packed with new features and improvements, showing how OnePlus is always upping their game.

Now, we’re all excited about the next big thing – the OnePlus Nord Buds 3. While OnePlus hasn’t said anything official yet, we can make a good guess. If we look at their past launches, it seems likely that the OnePlus Nord Buds 3 might arrive in either 2024.

This guess is based on how OnePlus usually spaces out their new releases. So, we might just see the new Nord Buds 3 in the next year or two, bringing us the latest in wireless earbud technology.

OnePlus Nord Buds 3

OnePlus Nord Buds 3 Features We’d Like to See

1. Enhanced Active Noise Cancellation (ANC)

The Nord Buds 2 introduced us to ANC, but there’s room for growth. With the Nord Buds 3, we envision a leap in ANC technology.

Imagine buds that adapt to different noise levels and types, providing crystal-clear sound whether you’re in a quiet room or a noisy street.

This advanced ANC should enhance your listening without losing the essence of your music or podcasts.

#2. Presence of Wear Detection Sensors

The Nord Buds 2 missed out on wear detection sensors, a small yet impactful feature. For the Nord Buds 3, these sensors could be a game-changer.

They would smartly pause your audio when you take the buds out and resume when you put them back in.

This not only adds convenience but also helps save battery, making your earbuds smarter and more efficient.

#3. Redesigned, More Ergonomic Case

We appreciated the Nord Buds 2’s case design, but it was still a bit bulky for our pockets. For the Nord Buds 3, a slimmer and sleeker case would be ideal.

OnePlus Nord Buds 3

A design that fits comfortably in your pocket or bag would make the buds more portable and user-friendly, perfect for people always on the move.

#4. Integration of aptX Support

While the Nord Buds 2 had basic codec support, they lacked aptX. By including aptX in the Nord Buds 3, OnePlus could significantly upgrade the sound quality over Bluetooth.

This is especially beneficial for Android users, allowing for smoother, higher-quality audio streaming.

$5. Volume Controls on Earbuds

One noticeable miss in the Nord Buds 2 was the lack of volume controls on the earbuds themselves.

Having this feature on the Nord Buds 3 would be a major convenience. It would enable users to easily adjust the volume right from their earbuds, making it easier to control your listening experience without the need to use your phone.

#6. Universal Dolby Atmos Support and Enhanced Low Latency

The Nord Buds 2 did introduce Dolby Atmos support, but it was optimized mainly for OnePlus devices.

For the Nord Buds 3, we’re hoping for Dolby Atmos compatibility that extends seamlessly across different brands and devices.

This universal approach would allow users to enjoy a rich, immersive audio experience, regardless of their device.

OnePlus Nord Buds 3 Price (Expected)

When thinking about what the OnePlus Nord Buds 3 might cost, it’s helpful to look back at the prices of previous models.

The first OnePlus Nord Buds were quite a bargain at $39, making a strong statement in the world of affordable wireless earbuds.

Next, the OnePlus Nord Buds 2 came in at $59, a bit more expensive, but they also brought new features like better noise cancellation.

So, what about the OnePlus Nord Buds 3? With each new model, we’ve seen a small jump in price, which makes sense given the added features each time.

This time around, we’re expecting things like even better noise cancellation, sensors that know when you’re wearing them, a slicker case, better Bluetooth support, and maybe more.

Considering all this, it wouldn’t be a shock to see the price go up a bit more. Our guess is that the OnePlus Nord Buds 3 could be priced somewhere between $70 and $85.

This would still keep them in the realm of budget-friendly earbuds, all while offering you more for your money compared to earlier versions.

OnePlus Nord Buds 3 Specifications

SpecificationOnePlus Nord Buds 3 (Expected)
Battery Life5h / 27h (ANC on), 7h / 36h (ANC off)
Noise CancellationYes
Mono ListeningEither bud
Microphones2 per bud
ConnectivityBluetooth 5.3, OnePlus Fast Pair
IP RatingIP55 (buds)
Supported CodecsSBC, AAC
ChargingUSB Type-C
Driver Size12.4mm

Should You Wait For the OnePlus Nord Buds 3?

Well, it’s worth noting that the OnePlus Nord Buds 2 are still quite fresh on the market. This means that the Nord Buds 3 might not be around the corner just yet.

Also, there’s no guarantee that OnePlus will include all the features we’re hoping for.

If you’re in urgent need of affordable, quality earbuds, the Nord Buds 2 are a great pick. They’re budget-friendly and offer good value.

Alternatively, you could also consider the Redmi Buds 5 or the Realme Buds Air 5 Pro. Both are excellent choices in the same price range and might just have what you’re looking for.

Final Thoughts

As we await the OnePlus Nord Buds 3 with anticipation, it seems we might have a bit of a wait ahead — likely a year or more.

During this time, we’re hopeful OnePlus will consider the feedback and wishes from their fans, infusing these much-awaited features into their upcoming model.

We’re curious to hear your thoughts too! What are you most looking forward to in the OnePlus Nord Buds 3?

Don’t hesitate to share your ideas and wishes in the comments below.

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