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Redmi Buds 5 Pro vs Baseus Bowie M2s: In-Depth Comparison

The affordable Earbuds market has expanded and there are many available to purchase. If you are looking for quality earbuds without breaking the bank and if your wishlist has Xiaomi Redmi Buds 5 Pro and Baseus Bowie M2s, this is the right place to find your best answer.

In this detailed comparison, we’ll take a close look at the key features, performance, and value of each to help you decide which one is the best choice for your needs and budget.

Before diving deep into the details here are the quick specs difference between Redmi Buds 5 Pro vs Baseus Bowie M2s:

CategoryRedmi Buds 5 ProBaseus Bowie M2s
BluetoothBluetooth 5.3Bluetooth 5.3
Battery Life10 hours (ANC off)7 hours
Active Noise CancellationUp to 52dB reductionUp to 48dB reduction
App SupportXiaomi Airbuds app with EQ settingsBaseus app with EQ settings
MicrophoneClear voice pickup, good noise reductionClear voice pickup, slight ambient noise
ControlsTouch controls for music and callsTouch controls for music and calls
LatencyLow latency, no noticeable lagLow latency, no noticeable lag
Case QualityPremium build, excellent protectionSturdy case, good earbud protection
PriceView on AliExpressView on AliExpress

Redmi Buds 5 Pro vs Baseus Bowie M2s: Detailed Review

Comfort and Fit

Comfort is a critical factor for earbuds you’ll be wearing for extended periods. Fortunately, both of these models score well in this area:

  • The Redmi Buds 5 Pro has a sleek, ergonomic design that fits securely and comfortably in most ears. The silicone tips provide a good seal and stay in place even during workouts.
  • The Baseus Bowie M2s also have a comfortable fit, using an angled nozzle design and oval-shaped tips. Most people found these to be quite pleasant to wear for long listening sessions.

Bluetooth Connectivity

Both the Redmi Buds 5 Pro and Baseus Bowie M2s support Bluetooth 5.3, the latest standard that provides reliable connectivity and good range.

In testing, both earbuds maintained a stable connection without any noticeable dropouts or issues.

Redmi Buds 5 Pro vs Baseus Bowie M2s

The Redmi model pairs with Xiaomi’s Airbuds app, while the Baseus works with the Baseus app. Overall, Bluetooth performance is excellent on both.

While both are comfortable overall, the Redmi buds seem to have a slight edge in terms of comfort and stability in the ears. But the difference is minimal.

Active Noise Cancellation (ANC)

Active noise cancelling technology has become increasingly common, even in more affordable earbuds. And it makes a big difference in noisy environments. Here’s how these two models stack up:

  • The Redmi Buds 5 Pro features impressive ANC capabilities, with a maximum noise reduction of 52dB. In real-world testing, they did an excellent job blocking out background noise.
  • The Baseus Bowie M2s are no slouch either, with ANC up to 48dB. While not quite as powerful as the Redmi implementation, the noise cancelling on the Baseus is still very effective.

Both earbuds will dramatically reduce ambient noise, but the Redmi Buds 5 Pro have a slight performance advantage when it comes to ANC.

Microphone Quality

For taking calls on the go, microphone performance is key. Here are some test results:

Redmi Buds 5 Pro mic test: The microphone picks up voices clearly with good volume. Background noise is minimized pretty well. Callers should have no trouble hearing you.

Baseus Bowie M2s mic test: Voices also sound quite clear and natural through the Baseus mic. While there’s perhaps a bit more ambient sound compared to the Redmi, overall intelligibility is still very good.

Redmi Buds 5 Pro vs Baseus Bowie M2s

In summary, both the Redmi and Baseus have capable microphones that will work well for phone calls in most environments. The Redmi mic seems slightly cleaner, but both are more than adequate.

Sound Quality

Of course, the most important aspect of any earbuds is how they actually sound. Here’s a detailed sound quality comparison:

Redmi Buds 5 Pro:

  • Impressive overall fidelity, easily one of the best sounding earbuds from Xiaomi
  • Powerful, deep bass that doesn’t overwhelm the mids and treble
  • Clear, detailed high frequencies
  • Wide soundstage with good instrument separation
  • Well-balanced tuning that sounds great with all music genres
  • Companion app offers customizable EQ to dial in the sound to your preferences

Baseus Bowie M2s:

  • Also has very good sound quality, with a balanced and pleasant tuning
  • Bass is punchy but a bit less powerful compared to the Redmi buds
  • Mids and highs are clear and detailed
  • Soundstage is fairly wide but doesn’t quite match the expansiveness of the Redmi
  • Companion app also includes EQ adjustments to fine-tune the sound

Overall, both earbuds offer impressive sound quality for their respective prices. The Redmi Buds 5 Pro have a bit more “wow factor” thanks to their deep bass and spacious soundstage.

But the Baseus sound excellent as well, just with a slightly less impactful low end. It ultimately comes down to personal preference.

Latency Performance

For gaming and videos, low audio latency is important to keep everything in sync.

Both of these earbuds perform well in this regard, with no noticeable lag or lip-sync issues. You’ll have an immersive experience using either model.

Other Features

A few other noteworthy features and observations:

  • Both earbuds automatically pause music playback when you remove them from your ears
  • The build quality and materials are excellent on both, with sturdy cases that keep the buds well protected
  • The Redmi case is especially nice with a more premium look and feel

Battery Life

The Redmi Buds 5 Pro deliver an impressive 10 hours of continuous music playback on a single charge with ANC turned off (volume level impacts this).

In comparison, the Baseus Bowie M2s provide around 7 hours of playback, which is still quite good but falls short of the Redmi.

Redmi Buds 5 Pro vs Baseus Bowie M2s

So if maximizing battery life is a top priority for you, the Redmi buds are the clear winner here.


At the time of writing this article, here’s how the pricing compares:

  • Redmi Buds 5 Pro: Approximately $70
  • Baseus Bowie M2s: Approximately $40

Best Deals:

Redmi Buds 5 Pro: View on AliExpress

Baseus Bowie M2s: View on AliExpress

Keep in mind that prices may fluctuate over time. But in general, the Redmi Buds command a premium over the Baseus model.

Redmi Buds 5 Pro vs Baseus Bowie M2s: Final Thoughts

After extensively testing the Redmi Buds 5 Pro and Baseus Bowie M2s, it’s clear that both are exceptional true wireless earbuds that punch well above their price. They offer great sound quality, effective ANC, comfortable designs, and intuitive controls.

The Redmi Buds 5 Pro is the higher-end model, with slightly better sound, ANC, and battery life. Their refined design and premium case are also a step up. If you have a bit more budget to work with, the Redmi Buds are easy to recommend.

However, the Baseus Bowie M2s come very close to matching the Redmi buds in many key areas, at a significantly lower price point. Although they fall just short of the Redmi model in ultimate performance, the Baseus earbuds offer incredible value for what you get. They’re a top pick if you want flagship-like features while spending less.

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